Global Communications & Research Development Institute-GCRDI

The Drive to Learn: The desire to satisfy your curiosity.

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Communications & Research Services


Business Services/Consultancy Plan

$JMD 200,000.00

Assistance with General Political Matters/per liaison with Government of Jamaica agencies

Assistance with Development Plans

Assistance with Implementation of Development Plans

Assistance with tracking success and feedback on Development plans locally and feed back assessment.

Assistance with Managing timely Project Implementation to avoid chaos and budget overruns

Public Relations Management Plan (PRMP)

$JMD160,000.00 (1 Month)

$JMD420,000.00( 3 Months)

$JMD720,000.00 (6 Months)

$JMD 1,200,000.00(12 Months)

1. Free Consultation

2. Structuring Of Press Releases/Speeches for quick media appreciation and understanding

3. Circulation to media houses

4. Arranging and handling media interviews for the client

5. Media tracking of clients presentation and feed back (Via News reader software)

Business Research Services- $JMD100,000.00

Briefing, Position Papers on Topical Social, Political and Economic issues.

General Services Retainer 

$JMD 520,000(reviewed every 3 months)


Deposit of 50 % required for all services.



Unique Visits